[Dataset] Request for the KIS 2019 network traffic dataset

曾婉莹 zengzeng at buaa.edu.cn
Fri Dec 11 17:13:04 CET 2020

Dear Sir:
I am a senior student from Beihang University. Our team is working on a project about  the detection of SQL  injection. We are very much looking forward to the access of the KIS 2019 dataset. 

I , along with 2 classmates participates in an SRTP (Students Research Training Proram) about  sql detection.Recent months we have searched kaggle and github for datasets. However , the number of available  datasets we can find is very limited. Our program having reached a standstill until we visted your website and found your remarkable work on network security. 

We will more than appreciate it if you would send us the  KIS 2019 dataset !  
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