[Dataset] Request for the KIS 2019 network traffic dataset

Miroslav Kohutik miroslav.kohutik at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 13:24:43 CET 2020

Dear colleague,

I'm sorry for the late reply, we have had some problems with our cloud and
were unable to share the dataset. You can access the dataset here:
https://dataset.cc.uniza.sk/index.php/s/Xyb7iXzCP3qCYeG, use the following
password: pf7sPFaN
The link will expire on 2020/12/22, don't hesitate to contact me if you
have any questions.

Good luck with your project!

Best regards,
Miroslav Kohutik

On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 5:13 PM 曾婉莹 <zengzeng at buaa.edu.cn> wrote:

> Dear Sir:
> I am a senior student from Beihang University. Our team is working on a
> project about  the detection of SQL  injection. We are very much looking
> forward to the access of the KIS 2019 dataset.
> I , along with 2 classmates participates in an SRTP (Students Research
> Training Proram) about  sql detection.Recent months we have searched kaggle
> and github for datasets. However , the number of available  datasets we can
> find is very limited. Our program having reached a standstill until we
> visted your website and found your remarkable work on network security.
> We will more than appreciate it if you would send us the  KIS 2019
> dataset !
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